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About Us

Our Pre-school is registered with BANES to provide free Nursery Education for 3 and 4 year olds following the EYFS and 'Birth to 5 Matters' curriculum.  We are also able to accept children from 2 years old and are an Equal Opportunities Pre-school that welcomes all children and families. 

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the period of education from Birth to Five years. Most children are expected to achieve the early learning goals by the end of the Foundation stage. The curriculum is delivered through a combination of whole class activities, adult led focused activities and child initiated activities


As a registered charity we are run by a voluntary management committee of parents who work closely with the staff and aid in the smooth running of the Pre-school.  The Committee also coordinate fundraising activities throughout the year to supplement the Pre-school's income, along with applying for grants.

We are a member of the Pre-school Learning Alliance which ensures we are constantly in touch with new thinking in the field of childcare and education. It means we adhere to the ethos of 'learning through play' and therefore encourage children to value their efforts and have confidence in them. We believe that the process of play is the main means in which young children learn.


"Staff are wonderful role models and children have fun. As a result, children are motivated and eager to explore the curriculum on offer"

"Children have formed secure and trusting bonds with their key person, providing children with a sense of belonging and security. Children understand consistent boundaries that staff have put in place and follow instruction well"

"Parent report positively on the sharing of information. They comment on how their children have progressed well, particularly in their communication and language development. They find that staff have created a calm and nurturing environment to support their children's emotional well-being"

"Staff spend quality time with children to help them develop their understanding and recognise of emotions. Children enjoy matching visual pictures to the correct emotion face" 

Ofsted 2024 

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